Build: Bridges to Indy

The Scottish Independence Convention to hold major conference in Usher Hall in Edinburgh

On Saturday 4th November the Scottish Independence Convention will hold a national conference called Build: Bridges to Indy in Edinburgh’s Usher Halls. Speakers from across the independence movement will explore the research, discuss answers to the big questions and the consider how to organise as the movement advances into the next year. Following on from January’s sold out conference in Glasgow, this conference aims to build on the work that is being done all across Scotland to outline practical steps that we can take to build bridges between ourselves and those who are not yet supporters of Independence.

The previous national conference of the Independence Convention in Glasgow attracted the attendance of nearly 1000 people and this new venue in Scotland’s Capital will allow for double the capacity.

The full programme will be released in the coming weeks and the conference is also expected to play host to entertainment throughout the day. Event passes are now on sale on the Usher Hall website for £15 with concession prices of £8.

Confirmed speakers include Lesley Riddoch, Elaine C Smith, Audrey Birt, Dr 

Iain Black, Robin McAlpine and Liam Stevenson.



Elaine C Smith, Convenor:

“The SIC conference in January in Glasgow was a great success and we’re looking forward to building on that in Scotland’s capital on November 4th. It’s now over to the movement to create the capacity to deliver an independence campaign organisation for the future and to present the practical steps that can be taken now to Build Bridges to Indy. For supporters of independence, old and new, this conference will be the place and time to find out how we go forward as a movement.”

Victoria Heaney, spokeswoman from Women for Independence

“Women for Independence are delighted to be a key partner in the Build: Bridges to Indy event hosted by the Scottish Independence Convention. At this moment we see the Scottish Independence Convention as the glue to hold the movement together. This upcoming event is hosting a positive format which will help us build bridges with others as well as each other and Woman for Independence are looking forward to seeing everyone there”

Robin McAlpine, Director of Common Weal said:

“The purpose of this conference is to ask what it is that the public wants from the independence movement if we are to persuade them to back independence. We’ve all been good at keeping things going since 2014 but perhaps not so good at stopping and asking what it is that soft No voters are asking for to help them reconsider where they are. It’s kind of like saying ‘look, this isn’t about us, its about them’. There is going to be a lot of really valuable information for people throughout this day.”

John Bratton, Co-Convenor of Pensioners for Independence said:

“Pensioners for independence aims to persuade a majority of Scots aged 60 and over to vote for independence. We believe we can accomplish this by engaging with those who voted No, and those who didn’t vote in 2014. To this end, it’s important for us to learn how to engage with and build bridges to ordinary voters, including 60 plus voters, in Scotland. This conference and our own national conference later in November will be an important step in the campaign journey ahead.”

Selma Rahman from the SIC Build working group said:

“It’s been a joy working on the SIC planning group for the Nov 4th Conference. It’s clear that people’s hunger for Independence is still out there, but they’re looking for focus, so SIC is continuing to build bridges between groups and communities. You better get your tickets, quick!”

Richard Walker, Vice-Convenor said:


“It’s imperative that the Independence movement comes together to build bridges which can help people to come to Yes.

In the last few months we have seen the chaos unleashed by the Westminster government’s inability to find a way through the post European referendum landscape. This, on top of a transparent attempt to undermine the Scottish Parliament and deny it 111 powers it should by right assume from Europe, is making more and more people realise that independence is the only way to safeguard Scotland’s interests.

As a movement we need to be both welcoming and campaigning and the Scottish Independence Convention’s second Build conference will be an inspirational event, equipping us with arguments to persuade those reconsidering the independence option. It will also aim to refresh and reinvigorate those who have continued to campaign for independence since 2014 and before.”

*Dr Iain Black of Heriot-Watt University said:

‘The conference will hear about research that was commissioned to explore how different groups of voters now view independence, their views on a second referendum and the impact that Brexit, the Brexit process and other factors are having. The findings will help inform the conference as it looks to answer questions on what the movement could and should be doing in order to organise and plan for the future.”

*Dr Iain Black of Heriot-Watt university was commission to conduct the research because of his experience studying the 2014 referendum campaign. He is a respected consumer researcher whose work includes examining the barriers to people enacting their stated intentions.

Stewart Bremner, artist and graphic designer for SIC said:

“I’m very excited to be following up my work with Yes Scotland by creating graphics for the Scottish Independence Convention. Along with so many others, my creativity flourished during the indyref. I’m hoping November’s Conference and those to follow will usher in a similar creative journey.”

Lesley Riddoch said:

“This is a vital time for Yessers to come together and explore how the movement can make a co-ordinated and effective case for independence, which doesn’t ebb and flow with the electoral cycle, but builds trust, confidence, local knowledge and ambition within the movement and offers alternative takes on media stories to receptive Scots – 24/7.

There will be issues of funding, organisation, strategy and capacity to consider — my impression is that activists are more than ready to help the SIC take it on.”

Tickets available from

What is the SIC?

The Scottish Independence Convention is a coalition of organisation made up of all national level pro-independence campaign organisations. It brings together independence-supporting parties (SNP, Scottish Greens, SSP), the national independence-supporting organisations (including Labour for Independence, Women for Independence, Radical Independence Campaign, Business for Scotland, NHS Yes, Common Weal and a range of others) and representatives of grassroots groups.


  1. I’d like to purchase tickets. Where do I get them???

  2. Can I have two tickets please

  3. Seems to be sold out in stalls and grand circle. Upper circle not an option.

    Any arrangements to buy up cancellations?

    1. Author

      Hi Alan,
      If people phone up to cancel it will show on the booking form likely.
      The Upper Circle should appear as open for bookings on the form.
      If there’s any difficulties the box office should be able to handle it: 0131 228 1155
      Hope that helps!

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