Salary: £27,500 Status: Full time / jobshare considered Contract: 6 months fixed term, with extension dependent on fundraising Location: Home-working, with a future possibility of an office probably in the central belt Closing date: 5pm, Friday 30 August 2019 Interviews: To be held in early September 2019 Voices for Scotland is the campaign organisation that seeks to plan, deliver and win the next campaign for Scottish Independence. It is the campaigning and fundraising arm of the Scottish Independence Convention, a coalition of independence supporting organisations. Its goal is to lift the support for Scottish Independence to about 60%, building on the independence movement that deliveredRead More →

Voices for Scotland, a new non-party, civic organisation campaigning for Scottish independence, launches today. It has been set up by the Scottish Independence Convention and is focused on engaging with people who are undecided about independence or are having doubts about their support for the UK. Its aim is to facilitate big, open conversations about Scotland’s future through discussion and engagement. The organisation is non-political and will seek to engage with people using a different voice – with the aim of listening to what people need to help them become supportive of independence, as well as to persuade them of its merits. Voices for ScotlandRead More →

As a wide ranging Coalition of Independence supporting organisations and individuals we have been very active, laying the Foundations on which we will build our campaign to lift Indy support to 60% or more. Over the past three years, since the SIC was reformed in 2016, we have held many meetings of the Council of SIC and our sub-groups and organised two “Build” conferences to involve the grass-roots and help develop our planning and strategy as we move towards the next Independence referendum. We have also been busy developing research work on Independence with Heriot Watt University, attending local Yes groups to encourage the formationRead More →

Scottish Independence Convention (SIC) Ltd is the campaigning organisation established by the Scottish Independence Convention to deliver the next (and last!) independence campaign for Scotland. SIC Ltd is seeking motivated and enthusiastic people to join its Board of Directors. SIC Ltd is governed by a Board of nine Directors, five of which are drawn from the SIC Council (Convener, Vice-convener, Treasurer and two elected members). The remaining four Directors should come from the wider independence movement (i.e. not people already members of the SIC Council), and are to be appointed by the SIC’s five Directors. The Board is looking for people with the following skillsRead More →

Alastair MacDonald, Yes Highland The idea of forming a Yes Highland group came from members of InverYESs in the summer of 2016. We still had some names and contact numbers from other Yes groups, left over from the 2014 referendum. Word spread around, as it does. So we had more than 30 delegates attending the first meeting on August 6, 2016, in the Spectrum Centre in Inverness. Groups came from the Black Isle, Beauly, Dingwall, Badenoch and Strathspey, Elgin, Forres and Skye to attend that first meeting. Importantly, we also had a representative of the local Polish community. The topics discussed included what we hadRead More →

Max Wiszniewski explains what the Scottish Independence Convention fund raising initiative is about It’s time for the Scottish independence movement to build beyond its base and get support consistently beyond 50% in the polls. In the absence of any formal campaign body, it’s commendable that the movement has maintained support at its current level despite a glaring media onslaught. Yet, faced with the most incompetent Westminster Government for generations presiding over a shambolic Brexit process and an official opposition that is (at the time of writing) lagging in the polls, there has not yet been a silver bullet that has significantly moved the polls forRead More →

This is it. This is the launch of the fundraiser for the national campaign organisation which the Scottish Independence Convention has been developing for a while. Would we like to have got here before now? Yes, of course. But it was important that we did this right and not just fast. There have been many brilliant initiatives coming out of the independence movement. Many of them are the bright ideas and brilliant work of a small number of great, driven and innovative people. We welcome them all. Indeed, many of them are members of the Scottish Independence Convention. But from when we reformed the SICRead More →

The National Newspaper had some questions, Elaine C Smith and Dave Thompson respond: THE advantage the Indy movement has is our breadth and depth and energy. To harness that, it’s important that we work together. It’s important that we trust each other. And it’s vital that we hold ourselves to account to make sure that we are all working as effectively as possible to make our country the successful, independent, fair country that it should be. For that reason, we are delighted that The National is asking questions of our plan and we are pleased to lay out our answers. How is that strategy toRead More →